Monday, June 16, 2008

Mommy's sick litlle girl

Well, it is now Monday. Arica has been fussy for Tonya, babysitter, all day. The picture was taken on Sunday, when I wasn't able to put her down to go to sleep without having to cry. The doc diagnosised her with Herpangina. She has her moments when I think she is feeling just fine, but then there are others when I diffently know that she still feels miserable. The weekend was long and tiring for us. Johnathan was lucky that he had duty on Friday and went fishing on Sunday night. He missed half of it. But I know that Friday he would have came home if I needed him too. The biggest problem was that I dropped him off at work, so I would have had to go and pick him up. So in all reality he wouldn't have been much help, just like a typical guy.
I find it funny know completely reading the handout the doc gave to us on Friday morning that states: "You should bring your child to the emergency department immediately if any of the following occur: dry sticky mouth, doesn't urine for 6 or more hours, doesn't have tears when crying, sunken soft spot on your child's head, less responsive than normal, has difficulty breathing or swallowing, worsening symptoms or if your child is not improving or if your child is acting sicker at any time." Now looking back on it. The doc was the knuckle head when she was wondering why I was back. Arica's condition worsen!! I was just doing what the instructions on the paperwork that she gave to me said too.

1 comment:

Becki said...

Well our whole women's group up here is praying for you guys. Yup, I think knucklehead is a perfect name for the doc, but I won't mention any others. (Doesn't mean a knuckle sandwich doesn't sound good though ;-)