Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More problems

Well, as you all probably already know, my truck got stolen. The insurance paperwork sucks!!! But to add on top of it all, Johnathan's truck power steering pump is going out. State inspection is due in August, one more part to be replaced. Today, while working out with my personnal trainer, I was doing back extensions, trying to get my back stronger, and my right leg goes numb for each set I did. CS1 took me to the UC (Urgent Care Center) on base, but they don't have one. What good is a medical facility and an ambulance on base if they don't use it? So she just took me home, so I didn't have to drive. I didn't want to go to the UC any ways just for the simple reason that I knew what the outcome was going to be. But Cheif made me go. So Johnathan took me to Fort Eustis once I got home. The outcome was just about what I thought it was going to be. Some drugs and have a nice day. At least I'm on leave (vacation) for the next 2 weeks. I hope the break will help.

1 comment:

Becki said...

Your on leave? That's sweet. I hope your feeling better. Don't worry about the truck, power steering pumps are easy. And insurance paper work....yeah sorry that just sucks. So far it's 18 months and counting for me. Give me a call this weekend, or I'll call you. Check your meds again. Are you sure it's atropine? I can't find any indication of oral atropine in pharmacology check the name again and let me know. If it is oral atropine call your pharmacist too and find out why you're on it.