Friday, December 19, 2008

Mommy's little helper

On Monday, 15th, Arica decided that she wanted to help me empty out the dish washer. I grapped the silverware, and she held up a plate saying mommy, mommy. She still doesn't understand the consept of loading the dirty dishes up, but that's okay. We made cookies over the week. She helped put the ingredients in the bowl, rolled them in sugar and added the sprinkles. She is growing up so fast. Today, she needs to go for her second flu shot, we have to get a dependant ID card made, and update mine. I'm setting a bank account for her went she goes to Grandma's house. Then, we get to send all the Christmas gifts out. It will be a busy day, but at least I get to spend it with Arica. Saturday, Heather and her two girls and Arica and I are going to Bass Pro Shop to get a picture with Santa for free. Got to go to work.

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